Books I've reviewed

Masquerade (Heven and Hell, #1)Masquerade by Cambria Hebert
My rating: 5 of 5 stars

Masquerade was one wild ride! I absolutely fell in love with it. Cambria Hebert is a Genius. Now onto why I feel this way..

From the first word- you get sucked into the story and you have no idea it has happened. You see all the major parts, the major issues, and complications, yet all the clues just sneak right by. So much so, that when the final picture was revealed, I literally dropped my Kindle and said "No freakin' way" but ah yes, way! I was shocked and extremely happy about it. I love when that happens.

The chemistry between Heven and her friends is awesome. Thier interactiosn is no different than what you would expierence with your own friends, see on any TV show or in any movie. However, Heven and Sam...well that was too much to put down. They weren't perfect, but perfect for each other. I have to leave that the way it is, as to not giveaway any secrets.

I think that anyone who opens this books and ventures into Heven and Hell Series, will never want that journey to end. It is a great story and the plot, the characters, and all that is going on around Heven, keeps you turning pages.

Cambria Hebert~ It was a joy to read Masquerade. Great Job!

AmBear Shellea

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This line captured my attention right away: For sixteen-year-old FALLON BRAEDEN, being on the run had always been a mystery, until the day she starts an earthquake and everything falls apart. Well, as you can see, one must learn more. A sixteen-year-old girl causing earthquakes? My question was: why would a young girl start an earthquake, there seems to be very little benefits from such a disaster. I got out my kindle and set course for a new adventure that promised many things; suspense, fear...excitement. I read Touching Smoke in one sitting; I simply couldn't put it down!<br /><br />This book was Awesome! Just when I thought I had it figured out...Boom! The story rounded another corner. Heart and body filled with excitement, I hugged that curve and followed it through. The plot, the characters, and even the villains, none of them held a straight road, from back stories to plans to their at-this-moment actions, nothing was predictable. I loved it!<br /><br />Quickly, I found myself linking with Fallon, we seem to share the same sense of humor. My favorite line: "Great! I'm defective." I almost dropped my Kindle I was laughing so hard. I came across this line and said "That sounds like something I would have said." Let's not forget the hottie that greatly added to this page-turning journey. He turned out to be just as surprising as the rest of the story.<br /><br />I am afraid to say much more, for fear; I will give something away and ruin the surprise for you. In conclusion, this was wonderfully written and pieced together nicely. Airicka Phoenix, Kudos! Touching Smoke was a fun to read. Thank you for allowing, us the readers, to be a part of your world. I can't wait to join Fallon, and the others, in the next book, Touching Fire!

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